Thursday, 21 May 2015

Busy Weekend Ahead

Okay, I have a few things planned this weekend, for one it is payday so there is the usual running around and bill paying associated with payday. 

I have decided to pay off Card #1 completely and leave whatever extra, if there is any, in the main account. This will certainly push my card payoff date back, but it has to be done. I have been living on Card #1 in small bits over the last six months, using it to augment and supplement my stringent budgets. Again, this is because I have no contingency fund; again, I reiterate how important this is. 

I am now on the last of my taco filler, stuff that I have been eating. That means that this weekend I will make and freeze another batch; this should be fun. In my usual style I will try to improve this batch from the stuff that I have learned from the last batch. 

I had planned to change my addresses over on my driver’s licence and what have you, but what is giving me a reason to pause is that, as yet, I have not received my test letter. 

I always send a letter to myself to ensure that I have the address correct and that mail will actually get to me. This way I can avoid spending the money and going through the fuss of changing my address, only to do so to an incorrect address. 

I will check the mailbox tomorrow after work, and just add it my list of Friday payday errands. If it is there then I will change my address over tomorrow, if not I will wait a week, I can do that.  

Another thing I hope to do this weekend is to get book two moving forward. I have an idea for the next few chapters, it is just working up the gumption to force myself to sit down and write them. I know that it will get done, the progress on this one is jut slower that it should be, I know this.

With no idea how book one is being received by a friend of mine who is reading and reviewing it, it seems to affect my progress on this book. I know that I need to just write the book that I want to read and hope others will want to read it too. 

As May winds down, June approaches; so too does Wanda’s date with the repair shop. I will wait until the first of June, as agreed, before I call the guy that backed into me to see if he has the money to fix Wanda. Either way, Wanda will get fixed. The only thing which is up in the air is if he has the money he said he would, when he said he would. 

The happy thing of note is that the warm weather has returned and that is something to smile about. 

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