Monday, 30 November 2020

November Is Done

So, here we are on that odd thing of the last day of the month being the first day of the workweek. 

For me that means that my payday is also next Monday, meaning I will have to get through next weekend before getting paid. 

Yet it is not an unusual thing for me and I am not as desperate for my paycheque as I was in years gone by.

I am not swimming in cash, but I am okay enough to last through the weekend before getting paid.

November is down and with it comes in the last month of the year. It seems like only yesterday when January was new and the year was beginning.

This year has gone by quickly as with the worrying over the pandemic has taken up most of our time and mental focus.

Time goes by quickly yet slowly at the same time. When we are anticipating something, it goes by slowly, when we are dreading something it comes up quickly.

Yet time can also go by very fast when we are just focussed on living our lives: on just existing. Then you can blink and twenty, thirty years can go by. 

Such is life, and the dynamic of time. 

So, I keep encouraging people to do something about their debts today, start now, as time will move by quickly, so why not use that to your advantage?  

Why not get started on your own journey to Total Debt Freedom, start today, start by just declaring to yourself that you are going to do it! 

(Publicly declaring it helps force you to follow through).

If you need a word or two of advice feel free to drop me a line, if you need some tools to help you, there are some downloadable tools available on my other website

At any rate do something about your debt and get started now! Leverage time to your advantage by making debt elimination part of your daily life.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

Friday, 27 November 2020

Look For The Light

In times of darkness, it is then that it is most imperative that you look for the light.

It is far too easy to be swallowed up by the darkness and gloom that pervades troubling times. 

That is not to say that one must be naive or look at life through rose-coloured glasses as that would be as dangerous as succumbing to the darkness.

One must be realistic and pragmatic but one must also look for the good that is going on around you. 

There is good and light in this world just as there is evil and darkness. The balance shifts now and again and one side gets more attention, but the two are always there.

The key is to look for the light and focus on it. Keep an eye on the darkness but help nurture the light rather than help spread the darkness.

I choose to look for the light as I move to build a bright and bold future for myself and those around me. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward! 

Thursday, 26 November 2020

The Small Moments Of Today

So, if you want to build the future, a better future for yourself and those you care about, do something about it today.

For the future is built in what you do here and now, today. I have learned that the way to get debt free, and now build wealth is to manage my finances as best as I can today.

If I manage things well this day, this week, this payperiod then that will move me one step forward towards my goals.

The next payperiod is the same, and so I will choose to still manage my finances well during that payperiod and in so doing take one more step forward.

So goes the process, one step forward each payperiod, which is an agonizingly slow process, yet when you look back to where I started, you can see that I have come a long way.

The same holds true to any great and bold change that you want to make in your life and in your world. Do small things today to move yourself towards your goal.

Here’s the real secret . . . keep doing that . . . every . . . day . . . repeat until you reach your goal.

The future is uncertain, even in the best of times, so while you can’t control the future, you can control what you do today. 

Change builds on change and success builds on success, so set up a pattern of building towards your goals into your daily life. 

Then you can’t help but succeed, but determination and dedication are the key to success, that and  . . . 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Still Marching Forward

So, with so much uncertainty out there, it is easy to get mired down in the muck of . . . uncertainty . . . fear, apprehension and other such emotions.

Yet the future is not built only in happy and stable times, but in uncertain times too, perhaps more so.

All you can do in uncertain times is to cautiously and carefully move forward while holding true to that old adage “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.” 

That is true and never more so than in uncertain times.

For while most of my wants to boldly charge on forward willing the happy future to come into existence simply by the power of my hope and force of will, that is foolish.

For while I may find a way to bring about the happy future for myself and others, I have to be realistic and plan for almost any eventuality.

Yet as I do so I have to stop well short of being a “doomsday prepper” or some paranoid, delusional conspiracy theorist.

Somewhere in the middle, closer to reality rather, is where I must walk my path in uncertain times.

I do hope that everything will be fine and that it will all work out well in the end, but you can never know what will or won’t happen, so you have to be prepared.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Credit Card Debt Freedom Anniversary

So, since my payday was on Sunday, and Monday’s blog was about the update on my Grand Savings Plan, today I get to talk about another, yet special anniversary of mine.

For it was on my payday of November, 22, 2015 that I paid off the last of my credit card debt. 

This was huge as I had been carrying a balance on 3 maxed out cards for years, about five years to be honest.

I was in perpetual stress trying to simply feed the beast that is credit card debt. Strangely enough, yet not unexpected I would suspect, paying of the credit cards was the hardest debt to do.

Credit cards are an unsecured form of debt, meaning that there is no big fat asset securing the loan, such as a house or a car.

What that means is that it is a greater risk for the bank. (Note you do not borrow money from the credit card company, but rather the issuing bank).

Since the loan is of a greater risk they get to charge more interest to make it worth their while (Usually around 20% no matter what the Prime Rate is).

That is why the minimum payments (which are almost exclusively interest) is so high, and why you never seem to be able to get ahead, because you are always paying interest, high interest.

So this is why I take a moment to pause and be thankful for paying off the last of the credit card debt that I had.

I still have credit cards, but I keep them at a zero balance, since I pay them off in full each and every payday.

Credit card debt is evil because there is no end date on that debt. With a car loan or a mortgage there is an end date, eventually. 

With credit cards, you can keep paying and paying and paying for years for a relatively small debt. 

This is why I always say pay off your credit cards as soon as you can and keep them paid off. Keep them, use them, but do not carry a balance on them. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

Monday, 23 November 2020

The Homestead Fund Update

Okay, so it is that time again, when I update how my progress is going on my “Grand Savings Plan!” (to build my "Homestead Fund") 

Okay, so let’s see how I did . . .    

For review, here is how things looked from last payday . . .   

That is 48.8% (of my Savings Target).

And this is how things look like, after the dust settled on this payday’s budget . . .    

That’s right things jumped up to 51.6% of my savings target. 

That means I put away 2.8% of my total Savings Target this payday.

THAT’S HUGE! Now, that wasn’t all me, in fact it was mostly not me, sure I put away what I could, but that was eaten up by losses in one of my investment vehicles.

The other one went up like a rocket over the course of the past two weeks and not only crossed off three squares for me (49. 50, & 51) but also finished a line for me and got me over the half-way mark.

So, like I said, this payday update is huge!

Now, all of those gains and losses are unrealized, meaning they won’t be real until I pull money out of the market by selling investments, in either of my investment vehicles. 

Don’t go asking me for investing advice, as I keep saying, I am not a financial expert and my gains I consider to be dumb luck rather than my “mad investing skills.”

I will take the win though, and keep pushing forward on my goal to get to “Insane” before the year is out, as something tells me, I may need to run for the hills sooner rather than later.

I still choose to believe in the positive future for us all, and I will continue to work towards that. 

I may hedge my bets a bit, but I will always choose to be the beacon of hope (in my own way) in times of trials, rather than hiding out in a hole with a hoard of supplies, doing nothing as I watch the world burn.

But, today is a good day (to save). I will keep trudging forward as best and as carefully as I can. It is good news to get over half way to my savings target!

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

Friday, 20 November 2020

Getting Back Into Winter Shape

So, the cold weather is here, and the even colder weather is just around the corner. I know this from history and experience. 

I also know how to handle the cold and what to do to survive . . . I just don’t like doing it . . . I f*cking hate the cold.

I despise the cold.

I loathe the cold.

I . . . I could go on but you get the idea.

This time of year is the time where I get myself mentally back in the game of dealing with the deep freeze that is January and February. 

(These current temps are nothing.) 

It is only a couple of months and then things get back to being not so bad. I can do this, I have done this before, and I will do this again (deal with the cold).

Simply because this is how I can and will build for my future. Dealing with the cold is one part knowhow and one part the will to endure it. I have both. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Thursday, 19 November 2020

The Mad Push to Insane!

So, I have set, or rather upped my goal for where I want to be (in my savings plan) before the end of the year. 

It is possible, but difficult to make, and if I make that target I will actually be in a position where I could go and buy the land (or acreage).

I would be insane to do so, but I technically could . . . and for now that is what is important, to finally have that off-ramp.

So, I will be redoubling my efforts to save as much as I can in order to make that day, to hit that target! . . . the target of finally being “Insane!”

(Meaning that I could to rush off and buy some land and/or an acreage, but I would be insane to do so.)

I will keep you informed as to how things progress, but for now, things look quite . . . possible! And I like making the possible happen! (However improbable it might be.)

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

The Cash Horde

So, there is a situation that is evolving that apparently people and businesses are sitting on a huge pile of cash. Unprecedented, apparently. 

We can all understand how and why this has happened, with the economy shutting down, people are spending less and less, and so saving more and more.

That is, unless your job was affected by the shutdown, which means that (hopefully) you are getting some sort of government cash. 

So the theory is that with more cash and less ways to spend it, coupled with greater fear of uncertainty it means that people and businesses are stuffing that cash into savings for a rainy day. 

Yet, while this is a good thing in one respect because it means that people are able to take control of their fiscal destinies and build up a nest egg.

Yet, what happens when everyone starts to spend that cash all at once? What happens when we get a vaccine, and the number of Covid-19 cases start coming down?

Hopefully the spending will be measured and careful with people actually holding on to their savings. Or have already paid off their debts. 

What if people rush out and spend all that cash foolishly like a bunch of kids let loose in a candy store with two fistfuls of cash?

Hyperinflation, that’s what . . . that’s the real danger of all of that socked away cash.

What is Hyperinflation? Well, in a nutshell it is when prices rise drastically over a very short period of time (as in days or even hours) and they keep rising.

Why is that? Well, that is because the value of cash (as in the buying power) drops drastically due to all of that extra cash flowing around out there.

Think of toilet paper, hand sanitizer or face masks. A year ago they were easy to get, and nobody cared about them. In the early days of the pandemic, they were gold. Now, they are common place and even on special here and there.

Why? Their value has changed over that period of time. 

Cash is also subject to the laws of supply and demand and it isn’t really reflected in what it is worth in relation to the US dollar, but rather in what that dollar can buy you.

Think back twenty, fifty, a hundred years, the prices weren’t quaint because people were stupid, but because the buying power of the dollar was much, much greater.

I have no crystal ball, but that is yet another risk of the uncertain times that we are living in. I don’t want to freak anyone out, but rather just warn people.

Cash itself may be in trouble . . . or not . . . who knows, but things, other . . . stores of value will weather the storm of hyperinflation better.

Just food for thought, and as I keep saying, I am not an economist or other financial expert, just an average guy trying to make my way in the world.

As always: keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Financial Tools Available!

As many of you know, along my journey to becoming Totally Debt Free, I have developed a few spreadsheets that have helped me manage and master my finances. 

I have put them up on the new website and made them free for anyone to download and use. 

You don’t even have to login or give us any of your personal information, just browse over there and download the one or ones you like. 

This is not being done as a ploy to drive traffic to our new website ( but rather as a way to help other people who are having to deal with debt and financial troubles.

There is no magical solution and these tools will not fix your financial woes for you, but they will help you keep track of where your money is going.

It is through better scrutiny of your cash flow and managing said cash flow, (where you spend what you earn) that you can master your finances and beat debt.

I am talking from the position of one who has done it. Again, you don’t have to do what I did (live in an RV) but you can still find a way to master your finances.

I encourage everyone to at least take a look at the new site and those Downloadable Financial Tools. . . just go there ( you can’t miss it.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Monday, 16 November 2020

Bankruptcies Set to Skyrocket

So, with all of those nice programs of government cash and mandated debt deferrals ending, all of those people who were on the edge of bankruptcies before, and those pushed there during COVID-19, are now about to go over the edge of bankruptcy.

This problem was forecasted six months ago and yet nothing was done, other than sit back and watch this slow motion train wreck happen.

There is an article on CBC News that I am referencing, that I highly recommend people take a look at. 

You can find the article here: As COVID-19 relief programs wind down, bankruptcies are starting to spike again.

If anyone needed any further prodding to take a hard look at their finances or debt ratios, this should be that wakeup call.

To further prod, here is where we stand when it comes to household debt ratios.

This is a problem for all of us, not just those going over or about to go over the cliff of bankruptcy or insolvency.

The economy and the economic recovery will falter and fail if a good chunk of our population goes bust.

That will translate into a chill over the whole of the economy in the form of consumer fear, not consumer confidence, and nobody will spend on anything they don’t have to.

I am using this as yet another way to prod people to do what they have to eliminate debt, don’t just pay it down, pay it off. 

It’s your paycheque, keep as much of it as you can!

Build savings, not debt!

Prepare for your future with your own cash! 

But as always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Friday, 13 November 2020

The Tip Of Another Lockdown

Whether you like it or not, we can all feel another shutdown coming. At least I can. The wave of increased cases of Covid-19 has been spreading across the country.

Locking down is not good for the economy and it is not good for the average person for a number of reasons.

The main two are the mental strain and the financial hit. Make no mistake the cash handed out this time will be less and harder to get (if anything). 

I am not really for or against a lockdown, but I do know that one is coming. Sooner or later even the most lockdown resistant premiers will have to admit that a lockdown will have to be called.

How long it lasts or exactly when it is called is anybody’s guess. All I am saying is prepare now for like it or not, one is coming.

Either that or we just say, “live and let die,” it may be a cool song but as a life philosophy, it suck.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Move From Survive to Thrive

So, in this time of Covid when all things are slowing down, it is easy to get focussed on just surviving. 

The point of today’s blog entry is to remind you to not stay in “Survival Mode,” and move beyond it to “Thrival Mode!”

We can get stuck in that mode of “I can’t change anything because what I am doing is working and I am paying my bills.”

Yet you are paying your bills with very little left over. That is Survival Mode.

That is doing what you have to just to survive . . . with nothing left over for you, no fun-time money, no savings, nothing.

The problem with that . . . with being stuck in Survival Mode is that you stay in that mode until you wake up one day with all of your debts still there, no savings and you are at the mandatory retirement age. . . . now what are you going to do?

So that is why I say always look at your budget, even in times like this, and have a plan to move beyond Survival Mode into Thrival Mode, where you are able to not just survive but thrive.

As in build your savings, PAY OFF your debts (don’t just pay them down to a “manageable level” GET RID OF THEM!)

To do that you simply look at your lifestyle and figure out a way that would seriously downgrade your lifestyle for a short period of time (a few years to ten years) during which time you would seriously upgrade your cash flow.

With that extra cash flow (a in having money left over at the end of the month) you can then move ahead and thrive. (Pay off debts, build savings, etc).

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Dreams, Ideas, And New Beginnings - The Grand Adventure!

Last week, we did some posts with a proposal for developing our off-grid community.

Some of you commented, and it did spark some serious discussions between Geoff and I. One of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to turn a dream into something that is survivable in the Real World!

What may seem like a fantastic idea to us, may not resonate with other folks, and we completely recognize this!

So, we have made a few changes in our proposal, and we are happy to announce the creation of our new website:

Here are the essentials of the changes:

1)    We are not focusing on building a town, at the moment. What we will be doing is taking the 1/4 section, and offering 1, 5, and 10 acre plots for direct sale. Prices will be kept very reasonable, and part of the benefit is knowing that you have like-minded neighbours who you can call on for help if/when needed. But, it's going to be your own off-grid land.

There is a central 10-acre plot that will be reserved for the Incubator. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the plots will be used to develop the Incubator. Later on, we can purchase another 1/4 section, and build a properly-planned town, if we wish. 

2)    We will be forming two different, but connected companies. The land will be owned by a development company that we will form, and the Incubator will be managed by a non-profit company that we will also create and run. The 10-acre plot for the Incubator will be donated by the development company, which will also donate a portion of profits to help get the Incubator up and running.

3)    The Incubator will function pretty much as described previously, with community involvement. 

We have also reached out to the Agriculture Department of a university, which has a PHD program in rural development (among other related degrees). We hope to make a good connection, or even a partnership with the university, and receive advice on permaculture, rural planning, and so on. With any luck, we'll be able to help provide practical experience for their students, which would also provide us with much-needed guidance.

4)    As the Incubator will be a non-profit organization, it is then able to receive both corporate and personal donations. This opens up the possibility to partner with a number of different organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity or other organizations which are geared towards ending poverty.

5)    We also decided to go back to the roots of this whole endeavour - helping people to reduce debt and end poverty-living. It has always been a focus, but, we felt that we had to push it to the back burner in order to make things more palatable, business-wise. As a non-profit, the Incubator can go back to this idea, and develop it properly.

In this theme, Geoff is making more generic copies of the various budgeting tools that he has used in his own journey, and he will be putting them up on the new website, for public download.

6)    Because the Facebook group is really more about the homesteading project, we will be re-naming it "Homestead Freedom" to reflect this. We have also set up a Homestead Freedom email, 

Please, check out the new website, look at the details of the proposal - both Stream One and Stream Two. If you have constructive criticism, please let us know. 

As always, come join us in reaching for the future, and getting off of the hamster wheel!

~ Kim

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Oh Look, Snow

So, it has snowed and we have a taste of the cold stuff this week. It will get warmer and it will do so in a day or two.

By “warmer” I mean less cold, but then again hovering between 0 and -7C in November is a good thing.

I know what to do, I know how to survive; I know how to handle the cold . . . despite how much I hate it.

But I do it so as to get ahead.

You do not get ahead by doing the same old same old or doing what most people do. That is how you just get along and sure you can live a comfy life.

But true success is not found in that. 

True success is found in doing what others are not willing to do and see it through until you get what you want . . . what you deserve . . . success.

However you define that.

So a little cold or snow won’t stop me.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Monday, 9 November 2020

The Homestead Fund Update

Okay, so it is that time again, when I update how my progress is going on my “Grand Savings Plan!” (to build my "Homestead Fund") 

Okay, so let’s see how I did . . . 

For review, here is how things looked from last payday . . .

That is 47.8% (of my Savings Target).

And this is how things look like, after the dust settled on this payday’s budget . . . 

That’s right things jumped up to 48.8% of my savings target. 

That means I put away 1% of my total Savings Target this payday.

That is big and it was helped by both of my investments going up slightly, that and a bit of dividends are mixed in there as well.

The main thing is that my investments went up and I am inching closer to 50% of my goal.

It is always a big deal when I complete a row as it were, as in when I get to any percentage point ending in a “zero.” (10%, 20%, 30%, etc.) but getting to 50% is extra special.

I am just thankful to be able to put cash into my savings rather than have to pull cash out of it. So, any part of a percentage gain on that goal is a win in my books.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward! 

Friday, 6 November 2020

Winter-Mode Hath Come

So, it is almost fitting that a snow storm is about to descend upon me and my Wanda that I have declared that “Winter-Mode” has begun.

This is when I no longer use the: Taps (fresh water), Grey Water Tank (Sink/bathtub drains) or Black Water Tank (Toilet).

So, yeah, I am kinda camping out but not really using my trailer and most likely will be in this mode until April.

This is just my way of adapting to the weather as I always ask, “What can I get away with in this weather/temperature?”

I dumped my tanks last Friday, as I thought that the cold was going to hit us last night. It didn’t but I didn’t want to take the chance of having a block of “ice” in my Black Water Tank.

I have been here before and I do know how to handle things. I will adapt so that I can not only survive but thrive in all kinds of weather and temperatures.

I have the long-term goal of land and home ownership to keep me going.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

Thursday, 5 November 2020

The Proposal, Part 4 (Final Part)

As mentioned in The Proposal, Part 1, we are trying to be prepared just in case we need to purchase land and start the homestead community sooner rather than later. This means that we are going to be doing some of our preparations sooner than we originally anticipated.

So, we are putting together a proposal for those are interested in joining us to consider.

We are actively seeking feedback! Please, let us know what you think! If you disagree with something, let us know, and give us some constructive criticism! 

Here goes the fourth (and final) part:

How Much Will It Cost?

    While we are still determining costs and initial lease amounts, here are some ideas that we are considering:

  1. We are not going to be sticking to a single size plot of land. We will be offering plenty of smaller plots, as we will be encouraging tiny homes and mobile homes, however, we acknowledge that the tiny lifestyle doesn't necessarily suit everyone, especially very large families or those who have family members with disabilities. So, we will be also offering a smaller selection of larger plots (exact sizes to be determined).

    Part of the value is that you not only own your own plot of land, but, you also get access to the community greenhouse, and other community facilities and supports.

  2. Looking at the smaller plots, for the sake of argument, we are considering each plot (roughly 66' x 33') to be worth $10,000, after development.

  3. Lease for that initial year, we are looking at around $100/mth for that same size plot. It is intended to be enough to only attract those who are serious about the lifestyle, however, not so much that someone who is leaving the city lifestyle could not reasonably afford it. This money would go directly into costs associated with developing the land for use of the community, including building materials, equipment, seeds and gardening supplies, initial set-up of off-grid utilities, etc.

    After that first year, we will re-evaluate the monthly cost to lease, however, the same principles apply – keeping it very affordable to live an off-grid, eco-friendly lifestyle, and we don't anticipate a huge change.

  4. We would like to point out that, while the community at large will assist with building your house, ultimately, you are responsible for it, including plans, materials and other costs (it's your house, you build it, but, you also get to take it away with you if you move, or sell it).

  5. Once utilities are in place (electricity, water directly to your house, sewer system, wifi), there will be a monthly cost for these, if you choose to hook up to it. As this is an off-grid community, it will be an off-grid system, privately owned and operated by the community.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

The Proposal, Part 3

As mentioned in The Proposal, Part 1, we are trying to be prepared just in case we need to purchase land and start the homestead community sooner rather than later. This means that we are going to be doing some of our preparations sooner than we originally anticipated.

So, we are putting together a proposal for those are interested in joining us to consider.

We are actively seeking feedback! Please, let us know what you think! If you disagree with something, let us know, and give us some constructive criticism! 

Here goes the third part:

What We Expect:

  1. Because we have a very strong community focus, we do require anyone over the age of 13 to provide the community with 20 hours per month of work in supporting food production in the community, as well as 20 hours in support of the community itself. These hours will be coordinated by the community, and will be geared towards the interests and abilities of the individual, also keeping in mind the needs of the community. An example of what this might entail could be: feeding chickens, hunting, communal cooking, minding younger members of the community, or helping in a “barn/house raising”. Those younger than 13 are not required to participate, however, are encouraged, based on maturity, desire, abilities, and geared towards what is appropriate for their age.

  2. We are also going to be a diversity-encouraging community. Racism and other forms of bigotry will not be tolerated. We will be accepting of alternative family arrangements, as well. The details of this will be discussed and agreed upon by the community, however, it will be based on the concepts of consent and “live and let live”.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

The Proposal, Part 2

As mentioned in The Proposal, Part 1, we are trying to be prepared just in case we need to purchase land and start the homestead community sooner rather than later. This means that we are going to be doing some of our preparations sooner than we originally anticipated.

So, we are putting together a proposal for those are interested in joining us to consider.

We are actively seeking feedback! Please, let us know what you think! If you disagree with something, let us know, and give us some constructive criticism! 

Here goes the second part:

What We Offer:

  1. The initial year, we offer the lease of a portion of the land, where you can either build, or bring your own home. We encourage the concept of “less is more”, fiscal responsibility, and community living when you plan your home, and will be assisting with eco-friendly energy and heating options such as solar and wind power, as well as energy-efficient wood heating.

  2. That year of leasing is to ensure that you are suited to both the community and the lifestyle. Once this year is completed, then you can apply to purchase your portion, with community approval, or to continue leasing, or a rent-to-own option might be available.

  3. We also commit to helping to ensure that you have winter-safe housing before the cold weather comes, and will assist you with building your home.

  4. We also commit to providing community support for all members in all stages of life. This includes Mom Care, Elder Care, and general support.

  5. Part of the community will be communal food production. This will include a garden/greenhouse and basic animals such as chickens, goats and pigs. The community will be providing a communal kitchen and free access to produce and other food.

  6. Another important building that will need to be developed sooner rather than later is a communal workshop, as there will be many, many projects to be worked on!

Monday, 2 November 2020

The Proposal, Part 1

No, Geoff has not proposed to me (yet! 😉).  We are actually developing a proposal for you!

While we are still actively working towards being ready to go out and buy the land, and being prepared to start the homestead in 5 years time, we also take a look at the state of the world, and...  well...  we are trying to be prepared just in case this needs to happen sooner rather than later!

This means that we are going to be doing some of our preparations sooner than we originally anticipated.

We also recognize that, while we *can* do this on our own, we would much rather do this with other people. Not only to make it easier for us, but also because we are believers in the phrase "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts". 

So, we are putting together a proposal for those are interested in joining us to consider.

We have divided this up into a few different sections, and we are actively seeking feedback! Please, let us know what you think! If you disagree with something, let us know, and give us some constructive criticism! 

Here goes the first part:

What We Propose:

We are looking to create a new community. We believe in the principles of being ecologically-friendly, in permaculture, in being fiscally responsible, and, above all else, in Community! We recognize that it is much more efficient to work together, pooling resources to produce food, to help build, and to support each other. As they say, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”.

In order to accomplish this, we are purchasing land with the intent of building an eco-friendly community. Keeping this goal in mind, we also acknowledge and support the use and implementation of science, knowledge, and technology.

We also have a commitment that the town will be founded debt-free, and remain debt-free, so as to lower the financial burden on the community members. We (mostly Geoff!) have endured extreme personal sacrifice in order to do this, in our own lives, and while we wish to extend and expand this to include others, we also will be retaining ownership of our own portion, once the community has been created and is self-regulating. The overwhelming majority of the land will be owned and developed for the use of the community.