Thursday, 21 April 2016

Will Try For A Southern Home

The nice thing about the warmer weather is not running the furnace. This saves me two ways, both with regards to utilities. One is on propane, my last bottle lasted just over a month. When compared to the dead of a cold snap in winter, that bottle can last a week. 

The other way that I saved by not running the furnace is in regards to electricity. I run the generator much less these days, perhaps once or twice a week. When you compare that to winter where I need to run the generator once every two days . . . that is huge. 

I have heard of a parking lot in the south that may be RV friendly, we shall see how that goes. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will end up parking not far from work, but it is worth checking out regardless.

I do miss not having the space and this weekend I need to make another batch of lunches for work, so I really do need the space. One way or another, I will be fine and I will survive. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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