Wednesday, 6 April 2016


I was checking on Facebook today and was faced with this new feature of “Share a memory from the past” where they show you a picture that you posted on this day in a year or more gone by. Well, today Facebook showed me this pic.

This pic is one that I took while living in my room that I had originally moved out of my townhouse and into. I still remember the apprehensive and nervous feelings I had while living in that little room. 

It was such a big change for me, and while I was hopeful for the future, I was still unsure if I was doing the right thing. I was also frustrated that things were going too slow for me; the credit card paydown was not going fast enough. 

I also remember feeling like a constant house guest, and that was difficult for me to take. It was a large adjustment for me to make but it would have been an even harder adjustment had I gone straight from the townhouse and into a trailer (in February). 

Time flies though and it is hard to believe that that was two years ago. Next month, on the fifteenth will be my 2 year anniversary of owning Wanda. Naturally it stands to reason that on July 12, will be my 2 year anniversary of living in Wanda full time.

This also raises the temptation of keeping going, of staying in Wanda until at least everything is paid off. After all, January of 2018 is not that far away and it is possible to be totally debt free by then. That is a very tempting thought indeed, so too is the thought of home ownership. 

I will take a look around in August, as a steal of a deal may come along. I already know that I can make it, that I can tough it out in this trailer. So the choice is mine to make, as in . . . do I stay or do I go? 

As always, keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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