Friday 13 March 2015

Energy Saving Plan Working

I didn’t run Jenny or the furnace last night or this morning (save for an hour) and still was able to work on the laptop, by using the inverter and Wanda’s batteries. As expected, Wanda’s batteries are quite drained, but at least I got done what I needed to. I am pleased that I am able to run both the furnace and Jenny less, as this will save me both propane and gasoline.

I was also able to finally find and confirm reservations for the Easter long Weekend at a campsite nearby that has full hookups! That means not just Electricity, Water and Sewer. What I am then able to do is to De-winterize Wanda’s plumbing by using the fresh water and sewer connection at the campsite. This means that as of the evening of Good Friday I will be able to finally shower in my own shower, and poop in my own toilet! Yay, what luxury!

I am doing my best to keep my focus on the immediate term with regards to my cost savings plan. If I look too far ahead I get discouraged. Especially when I see that by most estimates I will not be financially stable until November. It will happen, though, of this I am certain. I need to look at and savour the small pleasures in life as they come, such as: warm weather, using less resources, making progress on my bills, and yes, pooping in my own toilet. 

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