Wednesday, 17 December 2014

First Book Done (Minus One Wayward Chapter)

I am now done the first book, save for that one chapter that needs to be inserted near the end. I also know that I need to add an appropriate preface to let people know about the history of the story (as in steadily evolving since 2001). 

Those two additions are coming and percolating; I will write them when they come to me. I am now going to take a very brief break as I think this over. 

I expect to have both written by the time I arrive in Banff for my camping break. I also hope to have the book edited and ready to be read by others by hopefully January 1 but most likely it will be by February 1. 

I did park behind work again and plug in last night. I was emboldened by my boss encouraging me (after noticing me parking down the street Monday night). This time it went okay, and I will try again soon. 

At the end of the day I never ever want to cause any trouble for my work or my boss. (Then again getting the knock on the door from the cops or the SWAT team because somebody complained is not a fun way to be woken up either). 

I am still doing well with my spending little and on track to end the year in the black and much better off than I was when the year came in. That is most certainly something to be positive about. 

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