Friday, 20 September 2019

Last Weekend Of Running Water

It is that time of year and this year the event at the RV Dealership that I bought Wanda from has its winterizing special next Saturday (as in a week from tomorrow).

So, since I don’t want to do it myself, and it is cheaper to get them to do it (winterize Wanda) I will be saying bye-bye to running water until . . . May.

It is not all that much of an inconvenience as I use the running water for two things 1) washing my hands, 2) flushing the toilet.

I can do both things with the water that I pack in on my back. I can still use my Grey and Black Water Tanks until the cold weather really starts.

So, I will enjoy this last weekend and week of running water, and get ready for the coming of Fall. As that is what this winterizing means to me, the true end of summer.

Ah well, I will adapt and change what I am doing in order to not only survive but thrive. It’s what I do.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward.

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