Friday, 13 September 2019

Adapt And Change To Thrive

If there is one thing that I have learned in my journey of being an Urban Nomad, it is the importance of being able to constantly change and adapt to the current situation.

I mean change and adapt what I am doing, not who I am and what I believe. I have a set of directives, objectives, goals and beliefs that I cling to.

Yet, how I live, and what I do, those things change in regards to my current situation. I am always asking myself “what can I get away with?” 

What this means is, “how close to full summer mode, can I get?” I do enjoy relaxing around the house with the windows, vents and door open as a breeze blows through.

I can live and get what I need to get done in -30C as well. I grumble and mutter through it, but I still get done what I need to get done.

I do this so I can get ahead both with my goal as well as financially. 

For while I wish to build my savings, I am doing so, in order to own a house and land. 

All this is possible because I am willing to adapt what I am doing in order to do what I want and need to do, despite what is happening around me.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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