So I am back at it again for another year and I am rested and refreshed. I have heard that you don’t really start your vacation until a week into it.
That is true for me at least, as it wasn’t until the last few days that I finally started to be able to enjoy my vacation.
Then again, throughout my working career, having a two-week vacation has been a rarity. Usually it has been a week here, a week there, what have you.
On my vacation I did tend to delight in the treats that other people would consider mundane. Such as:
• Having pizza delivered to my trailer.
• Microwaving food.
• Having showers whenever I wanted.
• 24/7 electricity.
It may sound a bit pathetic, but such is my life when I live in an RV Trailer year round.
What keeps me going is the fact that I am building for my future one paycheque at a time.
I have my schedule and now that I am officially into my 2019 version of my Payperiod Budgeter, I can see down the line and get inspired.
I have no idea what the economy will do or what will happen, but that is all the more reason to save as much cash as I can, while I can.
I look to the future and I build for it today in a real way. When it comes to dreams and goals, remember to ask yourself
“What can I do this week, today to move me in the direction of my goals/dream?”
(and then do that . . . and next week/tomorrow, repeat).
It’s really that simple.
As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!
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