Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Sputtering Into Vacation

I am in the counting down the days, literally till my Vacation and telling myself that it is not that far off. This Friday will be exactly one week until I am on my way. 

The other cool thing is that I get paid on Monday (well effectively Tuesday as my payday is a bank holiday). Then I go on vacation that Friday, and when I come back it’s payday again in like two days. How cool is that?

This morning I was able to edit and fit back into the storyline one chapter that takes place after the two that I inserted and it fit well. I edited another and it is coming along well. Things are building to a great tension and tumultuous climactic scene . . . what it actually is, as yet, remains to be seen. 

As for me, I am still just trying to keep saving money so as to pay my credit cards off in less than three months (11 and a half weeks). This is the home stretch and that is what is keeping me going, to see the final goal within reach. Then comes the fun phase as I move into savings and building for my future . . . still freezing my butt off in winter, but that’s life, been there, done that, can do it again.

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