Tuesday 8 September 2015

Not Forgotten

Last month an article was written about me about me. It was a follow up article to one done a year ago. It was nice to talk to the reporter and meet the photographer. 

When this article came out I searched and searched yet for some reason I couldn’t find a copy of the newspaper. Obviously I was searching in all the wrong places, as newspapers generally want to be read and seen.

Well, this weekend the reporter came by my western home and hand delivered me a copy of the newspaper that I was in. I was impressed that she took the time, made the time to do so, when she didn’t have to. It was also nice to know that I was not forgotten and in fact, remembered. So, without further ado, here is the article, framed and on my wall, next to the first one. 

I was able to rest and relax this weekend, yet still keep moving forward on Book Two. While keeping the various storylines and motivations and goals of the various characters straight is challenging, somehow I am able to do it. 

The other interesting thing is that this book appears to be heading towards a different ending than I had planned when I started writing it. We shall see how that goes. I always tell myself to just let the story unfold as it wants to. To let the story unfold as it makes the most sense, from the character’s point of view (as in, treat them like people and respect their choices).

I also did a bit of shopping for the bits and pieces that I will need for my upcoming vacation. I’m looking forward to having everything ready. I want to be so prepared that I can just check my mail and drive out of the city and be on my way. 

On a happy note, not only is this week a short week but today is payday! Speaking of work, time to get at it.

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