Thursday 3 September 2015

Boris Has Been Busy

Seriously, this spider just won’t quit, this is what I came home to (the picture is taken after I moved).

I keep tearing it down, and he keeps building another web right there. I think that tomorrow afternoon I will wash Wanda and Trea and see if that flushes him out. My theory is that he hides inside the side mirror.

I took a risk and moved back to the area I have parked for quite a few months: that spot by the old garbage dump. I wanted to run Jenny during the week and I didn’t want to run it by a business. There were no trucks there so I took the risk, so far so good. 

This morning, editing went well and I even have an idea for the chapters after what I have written. In essence I have new ideas for new chapters. So, progress is being made on this after all. 

As for me, I am just happy that the long weekend is almost here. While I briefly thought about going to a campground, it seems silly when I will be doing that next weekend and the week after that.

I will rest, relax and do some writing this weekend; then again, that is what I do every weekend.

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