Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Quiet Weekend, Short Week

So, this past weekend was Labour Day and so September has officially begun. I had a relaxing time this past weekend yet still stayed in my Eastern Home.

I have heard rumblings that Western Home has not been as committal with ticketing and towing RV’s there. 

My Canary has been spotted to still be there and it has company.

I may try again in a week or two, who knows.

For me, this past weekend was about conserving cash, and with the next two paydays looking to be bleak it is a theme that will sick with me for a month at least.

Such is life, and such is the state of my life, at least at this stage of it. This ultra-conserving and saving cash by living in my RV is not forever, just for now.

Yet, I always try to look for the positives, such as my ever and steadily increasing savings . . . that’s good. 

That and it is a short week this week . . . it’s already Tuesday, and that’s good too.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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