Friday, 1 February 2019

What To Do When Tough Times Approach

We all have them, hard times that come upon us as we strive to improve ourselves and better our lives. 

The question is, what to do in the midst of them, in order to stay on track? What do you do to keep yourself motivated? Let me tell you what I do. 

What it revolves around is reminding yourself what you are trying to accomplish. For that is the reason why you are on this journey of self-betterment. 

1) Envision Your Dream. 

This means pause for a moment and imagine that you have achieved whatever it is that you are trying to achieve. 

For me it is standing on my porch, on my land having my cup of coffee as I look over my land (Wife and/or family optional . . . desired but optional). 

2) Remember How Far You Have Come.

If you are on a journey, it means that you have started somewhere and have travelled some distance down that road. 

Pause for a minute and look back on what you have already accomplished, the hurdles and challenges that you have already met and bested. 

3) Keep Focussed On Your Goals

I have goals, and I have two classes. One is the Crossroads Goals, these are the large life-changing goals, such as Getting Debt Free, Completing my Grand Savings Project, or yes, Founding my Town. 

The second class of goals I call are what I call Milestone Goals. These are important as they are smaller goals that you achieve on the way to your Crossroads Goal. 

These mark your progress towards your Crossroads Goal and are important to keeping you motivated and on track.

4) Work On The Now

With all of that in mind, look back on the current challenge that faces you and just ask yourself “What do I need to do now, here today, in order to move myself towards my Crossroads Goal?”

In other words, do whatever you have to do, no matter how small to move you forwards. Every movement towards your goal, however small, is progress, and is important. 

I know first-hand how long and how goals seem to take forever to get accomplished and how that you get to feel that it will never happen. 

Trust me, it will, just keep focussing on what you need to do: today, this week, right now, to move you towards your goals.

I will keep all this in mind as that bout of really cold weather approaches and sticks around for as long as it feels like. 

So . . . 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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