Monday, 23 October 2017

It Is Finished!

It is done and I am free. I have paid off the Wanda Loan, but once again I prove the need for a woman in my life to . . . to take pictures and record such events. 

I was a little distracted with a side project that was going on at the time, but I am now totally debt free. 

Okay, to be honest there is one credit card that has had a balance for the past six weeks, but that card will be paid off in full next payday. 

I now no longer have any contractually obligated payments. I only have my cell bill, that’s it!

I have no: 

Power Bill
Gas Bill
Water Bill
Car Payments
Mortgage payments

You get the idea. 

This means that I can now live on approximately $400.00 - $500.00 a month BEFORE ECONOMIZING! 

This means that most of my pay will be going into savings, you know, for me to do with as I please and build for my future. 

As far as the emotions go, it hasn’t really hit me yet. I am still doing my running around errands after payday.

I am sure it will hit me later on, but for now, I am off to get some groceries before hitting the road to Banff for the week. 

I will relax and celebrate achieving this Crossroads Goal this week. I will then get back at it and start my journey towards my next Crossroads Goal: Land Ownership.

As always: keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!


  1. Congratulations! And best of luck on the next phase! Enjoy the week off, you earned it.

  2. Congrats Dude! How'd you afford the trailer?

  3. "Side project" eh? Great interview on 770! I have seen/heard many similar spots on different subjects and many times the average Joe interviewee is a little flabbergasted at the prospect of being interviewed and the result suffers. You stayed on point, concise, and seemed very well prepared. You dispersed a lot of useful information in a short amount of time. In particular I think it is important that the general public is made aware of the growing numbers of people choosing or being forced to live in a vehicle/rv due to dire circumstances. Well done!

  4. Twitter Moments directed me here to your page, Calgary! I just moved from there! Wanted to say good on ya man for setting such an awesome example!! Cheers!!!
