Tuesday, 22 August 2017

2 Point 0 To Go!

That’s right, it is two calendar months (plus a day) exactly to go before I am totally debt free. 

I am still counting down to October 22nd because that is the day of the paycheque that will make me Totally Debt Free and the 22nd is the date of the cheque . . . 

(That and I don’t feel like redoing my countdown calendar for one day later.)

So, today I will be annoying and celebrate how close this (and the cold weather) is! On Friday, I will also be annoying as that is the day when I break two months (1.4).

The weekend trek to the mountains was good and more importantly I was able to make it through and not obliterate my budget. 

I am still on track to reclaiming a bit of wiggle room in my budget. 

I still am committed to being debt free on October 23rd. I would prefer, however, to have more than $20.00 to my name immediately after I achieving it.

As you may have guessed, this is just another blog entry about me looking for reasons to celebrate and looking for the positive things that are going on in my life. 

I am committed to staying positive as I constantly move ahead, making my life better and perhaps, just perhaps, good enough for some lady to want to jump into with me.

(I fear not that will not happen as long as I am freezing my tuchus off parking on the streets of a prairie town in a prairie winter.)

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

PS: I didn’t blog yesterday because I made it my own personal Long Weekend.

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