Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Mid-Sized Meal Mash-up Measured

So, on Monday after work I made another batch of my Mid-Sized Meal Mash-up. Yesterday I portioned it out into meal-sized portions.

This time I didn’t just leave the batch in the pot and scoop out a bowl full for meals and then freeze it when it had been in there for a week. 

This time I portioned it out right away, as in after the stuff had been in the fridge for 24 hours. 

I ended up with 15 meal-sized 10 ounce portions and one almost there 8 ounce portion. 

Not bad, all told. Again, the recipes will get better once a certain someone who is studying Nutrition and likes to cook gets involved. 

That and when I have a proper deep freezer again.

For now, this is about the right size of a batch for me to make, as I can store the ingredients in dry storage (canned goods or dry pasta).

I then make a batch up and it does not overflow my little freezer. 

All in all it is a good balance between those two desires: storage space, vs. a large number of meals per batch (thus lowering the cost of each meal).

So I can and will make this a couple more times and then I will be on to a different style of meals that are frozen and ready to eat.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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