Monday, 17 August 2020

The Archives Grows

. . . and settles in. So, this Friday I received a new book, (one of the books that I had bulk bought) but that was not the only way that The Archives grew.

The Archives also grew by Kim graciously adding her own books to The Archives. She added 29 books, bringing the total up to 186 books in The Archives! (Thanks Hon).

Now, with the software that I am using to keep track of The Archives, I can easily who contributed what book. 

This is mainly important for when other people contribute books to The Archives, we can keep track of which books they actually contributed to The Archives and not which other books they “want back” at a future date. 

The other thing that was done to The Archives (other than rearranging books into sections) was the addition of bookends.

Thus so we don’t have the books falling over all the time . . . quite frustrating.

It was also good to look at what is there and more easily see which subjects are covered well and which ones are covered sparsely and which ones are not covered at all.

There will be more books buying in my future, but for now I will continue my focus on savings as I push to save up enough to by the land before the end of the year. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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