Friday, 1 November 2019

Balancing Savings and Wallets

Okay, so I am in a massive drive to meet my savings targets before the end of the year. 

In so doing I am spending out of my wallets and not refunding them, at least not as much as I am spending out of them.

This is my own version of “Deficit Budgeting.”

Yet at the same time, and because of it, I am able to make my savings contributions as planned. I am on track to make my end of year savings target of 17% (of my savings Goal).

Yet, I don’t like not funding my wallets, as I like to have them fully funded (just in case). 

So, I have begun, or rather with this upcoming budget for the payday of Nov 7, to refund those wallets again. 

I am putting aside what cash I can manage to put back into those wallets. I hope to have those wallets back to a fully funded state by the end of the year.

It is a dance that I am trying to dance and in fact one that is being funded by the “Vacation Fund” at work (the one that I only use to top up my paycheques).

One way another, I am and will continue to build my savings (my wallets and my bank accounts) for my future.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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