Thursday, 8 February 2018

The View From My Front Door

So, as most of you know, during the week I park on an industrial side-street not far from work. No big deal, I am not bothered (for the most part) and things go along fine.

Where I park there is a green space (when not covered in snow) out my front door, and a nice bit of “Borrowed Patio” in the form of a sidewalk. 

This is from this past summer (in the same spot) . . .

So, you know that when I say sidewalk, I mean a proper concrete city owned and “maintained” sidewalk. 

As in not only is it a sidewalk on a city street but the land that is my green space is a garbage dump, or rather a long-deactivated-which-no-longer-smells garbage dump . . . owned by the city itself (as far as I know).

This, however, was the view out my front door this morning . . . 

On the surface that may not seem like much but keep in mind that is my trailer door and I am in my trailer, that is about two feet (or more) of a lovely mixture we call “snowcrete.”

Snowcrete is a mixture of snow and ice that is packed together and hardens into a glacier like consistency that is as hard as concrete. 

This happens when you pile up snow and it melts and freezes and melts and freezes and is also walked on to compress it. (It’s lovely).

So that pile is about two blocks long and runs the length of this forlorn sidewalk. On one hand it is handy as I don’t need to step up into the trailer.

Think I’m kidding? 

Here’s a close up of the back of the trailer and the snowcrete. 

Here is the view beside my trailer. 

Looks kinda smooth and level for a random snow bank eh?

As most of us know the city will get on property owners to keep the city owned sidewalks in front of their properties ploughed and clean, fining them if they don’t. 

This is to ensure that those sidewalks are safe to walk on. 

Yet, the ironic thing is that, which may come as some shock (or not) that the city can (apparently) pick and choose which sidewalks of its own it chooses to clean. 

I can verify that this one is used on a regular basis, by more than just me. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

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