Monday, 8 January 2018

Wanda, Meet Anastasia

So, I did a fairly large purchase over the weekend . . . in my books this was a massive purchase, one that has been three years in the making. 

I bought this . . . 

I mean, I bought a mattress. 

To put this into context, here is the mattress that I have been sleeping on since I moved into Wanda on July 12, 2014. 

And this is my new mattress . . . 

Okay, one thing you may have noticed is that it is thicker, as in one and a half times thicker. But, I don’t feel the plywood at all (so that’s a win).

One challenge of this new mattress is that getting to the storage under the bed is harder as this mattress does not bend and it is also heavier, much heavier. 

So this means more strong-arm lifting in order to get at that stuff, so I find myself lifting it less and doing more each time I have to lift it.

This is the mattress all made up.

I bought new down pillows as well as a down comforter (not in the picture) and I have to tell you, this was an amazing sleep. 

It was well worth it and I didn’t wake up stiff (or grumpy). Okay, it wasn’t all that cold last this weekend so, we have yet to see, but there is something to be said for a good mattress and a good night’s sleep. 

Again, I do not plan on going crazy, and this will do me on my extravagant spending for some time to come. 

This was necessary, though, and I will keep on with my savings plan so as to build for my future. 

By the way, that thing on the bed in the last picture is my frying pan that I have wanted to buy for some time too.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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