Monday, 6 June 2016

Intriguing Offer

Okay, so I did go to my favourite library this weekend and it was productive. I have started to get back into writing Book Two. I finally think I have an ending for it, so what I have been doing has to read/edit Book One. 

This has led me to then read and edit what I have of Book Two so far. With any luck I should be starting new chapters (something not done since September) in a couple of days. 

(A Literary Agent and/or publisher would be hot, BTW . . . just saying.)

It is always good to spend time with old friends that these characters are to me. In essence writing this series and with these characters is easy. All I really do is put them in situations, watch what happens and record the results. 

That was this weekend but this morning I had an interesting offer from an encounter that could have gone either way. 

So there I was reading and editing Book Two when a truck pulled up next to my window and stopped. The driver motioned for me to come outside. I groaned and went out, my curiosity getting the better of me. 

I expected some questioning or lecture about what I was doing and why. People are either curious or look at me as a homeless bum. In this area I am always asked if I knew anything about any of the break-ins, which happens regularly in the area. 

I walked out and by this time the driver had pulled over, behind Wanda, thankfully he seemed nice enough. After a brief discussion about a few break-ins the previous night (none of which I knew anything about) he relayed an offer from one of the larger businesses in the area for me to park and stay in their lot. 

I was intrigued as this offer came with a power hookup at least. I thanked him and said that I was interested but that I am not the night watchman and would not be doing any rounds. While the offer does sound nice I will need to talk to the owner/manager more.

I don’t want any misconceptions or certainly don’t want to take responsibility for the security of the place at night. After all, I work during the day and sleep at night, I therefore can’t and won’t to do nightly rounds. I will keep you all posted on these developments, however.

Tomorrow is payday, so this means that tomorrow I will take one more step forward towards Total Debt Freedom! (Having a steady place to park would make the journey a little easier.)

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

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