Monday, 7 May 2018

The First Summer Weekend

Okay, I know that it is not officially summer, but for me I am in Summer Mode (almost). 

I know that I have not de-winterized, so I am not officially in Summer Mode (as I don’t have running water, yet), but for me summer is here.

Why do I say this? Here are a few reasons why: 

I had my door and all windows and vents open as I enjoyed the light breeze wafting through the trailer.
I didn’t use my furnace once.
I put my cold weather gear into storage.
I actually took two quilts off of the bed (and I was fine).
I had to roll those quilts back for part of the night (to cool down). 
I was in shorts all weekend.

It is nice that the warm weather has returned, but it is also nice that things are looking up and non-freezing temps are back.

I know that things can and will turn on a dime, yet with all things I will adapt and roll with whatever comes, yet I will also enjoy the little nice things in life as they come along.

As always: Keep your head up,  your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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