Thursday, 3 May 2018

Fuel Savings Mode Engaged

So, with fuel extortion being top of mind, we are all looking for ways to save on fuel, myself included.

I typically go through an 1/8th of a tank of fuel between paydays and budget between $30 – 50.00. This was before the inexcusable extortion began. 

The last time it was $83.00. Now, I did do a bit of running around, but still that is blowing the budget, I would say.

So, in order to try to bring the budget back under control I am driving less. As in I am moving my house fewer times throughout the workweek.

Typically, I have one place that I park during the workday, and then move to another place that I park at night. This is about 1km door to door. 

I just decided to skip that and stay in the working spot, for Monday and Tuesday nights. 

I moved last night because I needed to run my generator, and I don’t like running it near work. (I don’t need to tick people off in this area.)

I plan to stay in my work spot, for tonight, and then off to my Western Home, where I won’t move all weekend.

So far the fuel gauge reads full (or barely off of full) and payday is on Monday.

We shall see how good I was at saving fuel then. We all need to do something to combat this fuel extortion, and driving much less is one way to fight back.  

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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