Wednesday, 18 May 2016

A Friendly Visit

A friend from out of town popped by last night for a visit, but don’t worry there won’t be any epic tales of a late night of drinking and carousing. It was a simple meal at a local restaurant, over which we caught up and chatted. 

It is always good to sit and visit with an old friend in whose company you are always relaxed and otherwise alarmingly disarmed. Last night was such a visit, yet it is always so when she drops by.

I had offered to BBQ for her on my grass by the roadside, just to show off and BBQ something, but apparently my cooking would have killed her.

Don’t worry it wasn’t my cooking, per say, just the fact that I am unaware of new dietary limitations which, when coupled with my tendency to throw little bits of everything in when I cook, would have been dangerous.

We chatted and visited regardless, and chose not to correct the wrong assumption of the waitress that we were on a date. It wasn’t our behaviour which prompted the inaccurate conclusion but societal norms, I suppose. We were talking like the old friend we were, we were not flirting. 

In any event, the evening of chatting and visiting was a welcome respite from my usual relaxing evening, listening to the radio. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

1 comment:

  1. Good to have a friend, if even from afar and sporadic visits!
