Tuesday, 3 November 2020

The Proposal, Part 2

As mentioned in The Proposal, Part 1, we are trying to be prepared just in case we need to purchase land and start the homestead community sooner rather than later. This means that we are going to be doing some of our preparations sooner than we originally anticipated.

So, we are putting together a proposal for those are interested in joining us to consider.

We are actively seeking feedback! Please, let us know what you think! If you disagree with something, let us know, and give us some constructive criticism! 

Here goes the second part:

What We Offer:

  1. The initial year, we offer the lease of a portion of the land, where you can either build, or bring your own home. We encourage the concept of “less is more”, fiscal responsibility, and community living when you plan your home, and will be assisting with eco-friendly energy and heating options such as solar and wind power, as well as energy-efficient wood heating.

  2. That year of leasing is to ensure that you are suited to both the community and the lifestyle. Once this year is completed, then you can apply to purchase your portion, with community approval, or to continue leasing, or a rent-to-own option might be available.

  3. We also commit to helping to ensure that you have winter-safe housing before the cold weather comes, and will assist you with building your home.

  4. We also commit to providing community support for all members in all stages of life. This includes Mom Care, Elder Care, and general support.

  5. Part of the community will be communal food production. This will include a garden/greenhouse and basic animals such as chickens, goats and pigs. The community will be providing a communal kitchen and free access to produce and other food.

  6. Another important building that will need to be developed sooner rather than later is a communal workshop, as there will be many, many projects to be worked on!

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