Not to get too esoteric on you, but that statement is true. It is your attitude that can either free you, or imprison you.
I have found in my own life that it was my expectation that kept me on that hamster wheel of work and debt, running to stand still.
I needed to reevaluate what my life was and rethink how it could be. I was living in a two bedroom townhouse with lots of debt and little to show for it.
I had stuff and a nice place, sure, but I didn’t have much savings. I felt trapped because I was . . . I was trapped until I realized that I wasn’t.
Nobody was forcing me to stay there. Nobody was forcing me to keep those debts. Sure they needed to be paid but they could be paid off.
It was all a matter of my perspective . . . of how I saw the situation and how I approached it.
That was when I realized that if I downgraded my lifestyle (by living in an RV) I could upgrade my cashflow and use that newfound cash in my paycheque to pay down (then off) my debts.
Again, I was only trapped by my own perspective and my own attitude.
I was in fact free, just in a bad place. I needed to free myself by first changing my attitude and then changing my situation.
The same can be true for you . . . as a wise man (in a movie) once said “Change your mind, your ass will follow!”
As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!
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