Wednesday, 11 December 2019

So Far, So Good . . . Solar Wise

I have been running Solar Panels exclusively for my power generating needs out here on the prairies. I have been curious to see how things would go in winter.

Well, here we are closing in on the shortest day of the year and so far . . . so good.

There have been days when my power generation was low, due to darkened, overcast skies. This coupled with the fact of the shorter days meant energy conservation.

I never want to go below 50% capacity in my batteries and so far the lowest I have gone is down to 66%.

I keep an eye on what power I am generating and what my capacity is at during the day (when I am around the trailer).

When I am at work I just leave for work and hope for the best. I brush snow off of the solar panels before I leave, if there is show up there.

So far, it seems to be working, running solar panels to power my RV Trailer. 

The word of advice I would suggest is always go for more capacity than you think you will need. (More panels, and larger batteries.) 

That and consult a professional, someone who has read up and has experience in solar power on an RV. It was well worth the money spent in my case.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

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