Thursday, 18 October 2018

Accepting a Missed Target

So, here I am five paydays (including Monday) away from the end of the year. I have a goal of reaching 16.7% of my savings Target before the year is out. 

As it stands, unless there is a sudden and unprecedented rush between now and the end of the year (unlikely), I will fall short of that target. 

As it stands, I will, most likely hit 14.6% (at best). 

Now, while missing a target is frustrating, it is not the end of the world. I have to remind myself that I still have more money in savings than I did a year ago.

Add to that, that this money in savings is mine and it is not earmarked for some debt relief. I can do what I want with it, and that is a good feeling.

I will make my savings target of 100% . . . eventually. I just have to remember that it will not happen in a day. 

Slow and steady wins the savings race, and even though I have had setbacks and I will continue to have setbacks, I need to remember that any movement forward is still movement forward. 

Celebrate your successes and don’t worry so much if you miss your target or goal. You are still further ahead than you were when you set that goal.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!Accepting a Missed Target

So, here I am five paydays (including Monday) away from the end of the year. I have a goal of reaching 16.7% of my savings Target before the year is out. 

As it stands, unless there is a sudden and unprecedented rush between now and the end of the year (unlikely), I will fall short of that target. 

As it stands, I will, most likely hit 14.6% (at best). 

Now, while missing a target is frustrating, it is not the end of the world. I have to remind myself that I still have more money in savings than I did a year ago.

Add to that, that this money in savings is mine and it is not earmarked for some debt relief. I can do what I want with it, and that is a good feeling.

I will make my savings target of 100% . . . eventually. I just have to remember that it will not happen in a day. 

Slow and steady wins the savings race, and even though I have had setbacks and I will continue to have setbacks, I need to remember that any movement forward is still movement forward. 

Celebrate your successes and don’t worry so much if you miss your target or goal. You are still further ahead than you were when you set that goal.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

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