Thursday, 30 November 2017

Winter Wallop Waiting

The warmer weather has been a nice respite, but I know what lurks just beyond the weather forecasts . . . real winter, that’s what.

I am enjoying the moderate weather now for January and February are coming.

I know that the days of daytime highs in the mid teens (below zero Celsius) and overnight lows in the mid to low twenties (yes, also below zero Celsius) are coming.  

I know what to do and how to handle those days. (Mostly just bundle up and hibernate.) 

The added trick of keeping your water in smaller metal containers is also good. That’s so you can put it on the stove to melt it . . . but I digress. 

The point is that I am doing my best to accept the nice weather now, because I know that colder weather is coming. 

We are not out of the woods yet, we haven’t even gotten to the thickest part of the woods yet. 

The point today is to find ways to enjoy the day while you can. I am still living cheaply and still not doing much, but I am trying to find the positive in each day.

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!

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