Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Christmas Break’s Bountiful Bounty

My Christmas Break is over and so I am back at work. I don’t know about all of you, but I really needed that break. The time in the mountains really did me good. 

Sure, it got off to a rocky start by me being snowed in, in the city for two days. I didn’t even leave on my Christmas Break until Christmas morning.

I did get going, though, and I did get my favourite camping spot in the mountains. Not to brag or rub it in, but here are a few choice shots from that break.

I made sure to bring two power cords with me: 1) to plug Wanda in with and 2) to plug the truck’s block heater in with. 

This way I could avoid having to run the truck each day to ensure that it would start when the time comes to leave. 

As for the weather, it was not too bad, with the exception of the last two nights which dipped down to the mid -20’s overnight. 

For the most part, my electric heater was able to keep things warm and mostly things were up to a steady and stable 20C indoors. 

I will admit that it took at least two full days to thoroughly get the chill out of the trailer and up and warm; all without using any propane (yay). 

I am thankful that I packed up and got “road ready” before sunset yesterday. That way I didn’t have to try to work the slide-out or other mechanical mechanisms after they have been put in the deep freeze overnight. 

I just got up this morning, perked my coffee, got the remaining bits of the insides ready to travel and off I went. 

(And stairs . . . I folded up the stairs . . . I forgot to do that once before hitting the road . . . once . . . never again.)

The last thing I did, and something I highly recommend before hitting the road, was to stop, just at the gate of the campground and do another walk around.

It can happen that during the process of going over the speed-bumps and other obstacles getting out of the campground that something can jostle loose.

I actually had one of the equalizer bars from the hitch fall out and was dragged for a few kilometres down the road by its chain. 

I heard the metal being dragged sound and pulled over to investigate (thankfully).

As I was doing that walk around I was wondering why it was a bit nippy in the air. When I got back into the truck, I noticed this . . . 

When I got down off of the mountain, I noticed this . . . 

(Before anyone freaks at me for taking pictures in a vehicle I was pulled over and the truck was in park.)

As far as driving this morning goes, I was able to make it all the way back into the city fine and dandy with smooth sailing. 

On a major road in the city, however, as I was slowing down to get around an accident, I lost traction and jack-knifed a bit . . . go figure. Thankfully I didn’t hit anyone.

With the break over, and work set to start I am now rested, refreshed and ready to tackle another year and what is left of this winter. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!

And yes: Have a happy new year!

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