It’s official . . . I broke out the boots this morning . . . those boots . . . (Pause for a moment of silence.)
Last night I bundled up in my thermal undies, sleeping toque and yes indoor mittens and didn’t turn the heater on. It was okay, and I was fine, I even slept in this getup.
The reason I sleep in my warm clothes is so that when I wake up (and the house is at its coldest) I am still toasty warm and my warm clothes are “pre-warmed.”
Trust me, wearing pre-warmed, warm clothes makes it much easier to get out of bed when it is literally freezing inside your house.
Again, I have seen (and will see soon enough) much colder conditions inside my house, but I am trying to get myself, (and my body) back to being used to those cold conditions.
The boot-situation came about when it was time for my walk. Each day before work, and just after breakfast, I walk around the block for a bit of exercise.
My block is a standard industrial block so it takes about twenty minutes to walk around it. With my two pairs of thick winter socks, however, my now warm and toasty, yet fat feet were not going to fit into my favourite boots.
That was when the sad moment came and my winter boots came out of storage, as they are large enough to accommodate my warm and toasty fat feet.
This is a sad moment for me because it means that the cold weather is indeed upon us, yet I am hoping for a reprieve (or stay of refrigeration, rather).
Yet, I did bundle up and toddle on off for my walk around the block with my winter boots on and yes even earmuffs. I was warm, fine and yes grumbled along the way.
More grumbling and blue words were uttered when I was drying myself off in the balmy 10C temp of my moderately heated trailer (didn’t want to waste too much propane or coddle myself).
Again, this just means that winter is approaching, and soon enough much colder times are ahead. I have managed two previous winters in Wanda, so I will manage this one two.
Gee, any ladies out there want to freeze your butt off in Wanda this winter with me? Applications for being my Schmoopy now being accepted.
As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive and keep moving forward!
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