Monday, 26 March 2018

I Got My Tax Refund . . . Al $18.10 of it

It is what it is, and for the most part, predictable. The Taxman likes to tax me, and so I keep paying. Pretty much whatever I give the Taxman, somehow he keeps.

I will say that at least in recent years, this year in particular, things are quite streamlined. 

I filled my tax return online a week ago and this weekend I got my refund deposited into my account. 

Other than the years when I got a small bill, I will say that this year’s $18.10 refund is a record . . . a record small one . . . and that is saying something. 

I haven’t had anything larger than a double-digit refund in over a decade . . . but I digress. 

The other nice this is that this upcoming tax year 2018 I will finally pay off that “debt” to “my” RRSP *spit*. So that’s nice.

I will not dwell on taxes and refunds. I will instead keep moving forward, looking onward and upwards as I resolve to stay debt free, while I continue to build my wealth.

There is nothing I can do about taxes, so I had best not dwell on them. 

I may do a bit of reading to see if there is something, (other than contributing to my RRSP *spit*) in order to lower my tax burden (legal ways, of course).

My main thrust is still savings and working towards getting land, without a mortgage, if at all possible, but I would not rule it out of the right deal came my way. 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward.

(If only to stay ahead of the Taxman.)

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