Friday, 16 November 2018

Trading Comfort for Cash

Okay, so it snowed and got windy last night . . . oh yeah, and it got cold. It will continue to be cold today, but again, this is nothing that I haven’t seen before.

I have been spoiled with the way that things have been recently, and I know that things will get much colder.

One thing is clear . . . January and February will always be bitterly cold. That’s just a fact of life. 

Yet, all this is stuff that I know how to handle. Last evening I was snugly warm in my sleeping bag on the couch as I listened to the radio.

I spent the night in my bed all warm and cosy. All in all, it was not bad, and nothing I haven’t seen before. 

I do this because I have to, because I choose to in order to get ahead. 

I am trading comfort for cash. In that I will give up a good deal of comfort in order to gain cash that is freed up in my monthly budget. 

Cash that I can do what I want with, like pay down debt or build up savings. 

Just ask yourself how much and what kind of comfort would you be willing to give up in order to free up some cash in your monthly budget? 

As always: Keep your head up, your attitude positive, and keep moving forward!


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